One of the great figures of flamenco singing was without a doubt JUAN VARGAS Agustin Fernandez, known as JUAN TALEGA . Born on 12 December 1891 in the town of Dos Hermanas Seville. Juan Talega inherited from his father's nickname, the same occupation - dealers - and a great favor to sing. Married with frequent Fernandez, the daughter of his aunt Carmen la del Gordo. They had four children, of which only José El Verde achieved an excellent reputation of the singer.
During his life he sang at countless parties and private fiesta in his native county, which intervened in Triana, Alcalá, Utrera, Lebrija and Moroni, and of course in his hometown, and should preferably those which took part in the great guitarist Diego del Gastor. In addition to the
soleares from their own family, is grateful to Juan Flamenco World Talegovi for the preservation and dissemination of certain songs Tomás El Nitra, Caganchos elk, moose Pelaos La Andondy, paka, La Luz, El Loco Mateo, Manuel Torre and Enrico e Mellizo.
Talegovi Thanks to master Mairena revive various cantes, which practically already found themselves on the brink of extinction, to find Lost tones or shades and restore them.
After he was Antonio Mairena in 1958 persuaded Juan Talega began performing at festivals, and he was already 67 years. A year later he performed at concurso Nacional of Cordoba, where he won first prize for siguiriyas , soleares and TONASO . Overcome their difficulties, when he was accompanied by a guitar. The most fiesta, where he performed with this tool is not used much. Often called sang and Palo Seco . Mairena it also led to record studies.
in 1962 Talega member jury, which awarded a second Golden Key Antonio Mairena singing and also became the staunchest promoter mairenistických theory.
In 1967, supporters of Morón held in his honor ceremony which was attended by many prominent figures of culture and art. The same tribute he was also expressed in 1970 in the English capital city, which however could not be due to a serious illness to attend.
Juan Agustín Fernández Vargas, Juan Talega, or died in his home town of the 31st July 1971. In 1977, based on his memory Peña Flamenca Juan Talega . Further, for example, in his honor in 1980 placed a plaque on the house where he lived, and the same year he started at the site to organize the festival, which bore his name.

soleares from their own family, is grateful to Juan Flamenco World Talegovi for the preservation and dissemination of certain songs Tomás El Nitra, Caganchos elk, moose Pelaos La Andondy, paka, La Luz, El Loco Mateo, Manuel Torre and Enrico e Mellizo.

Talegovi Thanks to master Mairena revive various cantes, which practically already found themselves on the brink of extinction, to find Lost tones or shades and restore them.

In 1967, supporters of Morón held in his honor ceremony which was attended by many prominent figures of culture and art. The same tribute he was also expressed in 1970 in the English capital city, which however could not be due to a serious illness to attend.

Juan Agustín Fernández Vargas, Juan Talega, or died in his home town of the 31st July 1971. In 1977, based on his memory Peña Flamenca Juan Talega . Further, for example, in his honor in 1980 placed a plaque on the house where he lived, and the same year he started at the site to organize the festival, which bore his name.

Muestras / Samples :
Juan Talega - Seguiriyas del Loco Mateo
Juan Talega - Solea de Alcala
Juan Talega - Soleares