poet Federico García Lorca (1898 - 1936)
on cantejondo or Cantejondo :
"There is nothing, absolutely nothing, as in Spain, or stylization, or environment, or emotional correctness." /
"V Çelem Španělsku neni nic, nic absolutně ani podobného see stylizaci, ani v atmosphere, ani v emocionální věrohodnosti. "
" ... the most exciting and profound songs of our mysterious soul ... the most adamant of our song ... " /
"... Nejemocionálnější to nejhlubší Pisna nasi Tajemnica Cast nejzářivější Nasich Duse ... zpěvů ... "
" See you, gentlemen, the importance that flamenco singing and what rightly so great that our people had to call it. Is deep, really deep, more than all the wells and all the seas that surround the world, much deeper than the current that creates heart and the voice that sings it, because it is almost infinite. Comes from distant races, crossing the graveyard of the years and the fronds of the winds faded. Comes from the first cry and the first kiss. "/
" Hleďte, vážení, Jaky význam cante jondo is and how very well our people called him. It is deep, really deep, deeper than all the wells and all seas surrounding the world, deeper than the contemporary heart shape and that his voice that it sings because it is almost endless. It comes from the ancient races having arrived to our cemetery years and leaves weakened winds. It comes from the first cry and the first kiss. "
" ... las joyas apreciables Vivas de la raza, el tesoro inmenso milenario Cubr que la superficie Andalusia spiritual ..."/
"... cennen Klenoty lidské Rasyid, Velký starodávný Pokler, který pokrývá spirituální hladinu Andalusia ..."
"... It is, therefore, gentlemen, singing flamenco melody both poems as a popular artistic creations of the world's strongest ..."/
"Nuže, vážení, cantejondo je tak jak svými melodiemi svými básněmi jedním z nejpůsobivějších lidových uměleckých výtvorů na svět. "
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