Sunday, November 1, 2009

Any One Tried Zepose 10


Settimana della lingua nel mondo Italian

Members of the Italian Society prepared two events Accession to the "IX Settimana della lingua nel mondo Italian" , which were developed in the third week of October and the theme "L'Italian art work, scienza and technology ". Thereof were held at headquarters of the Institution, AV. Moreno 137, the entry being free.

As announced on Friday October 30 to 20, meeting was held "Sotto Il cielo di Galileo" , In the International Year of Astronomy , met for 400 years since the first observations with the telescope by Galileo Galilei. Is a documentary project entitled Short "Novità Celesti, Galileo e gli altri Astri" (in Italian), released by the Consulate General . Italy in Bahia Blanca, and then teachers Marta García and George Lambert, School of Agricultural Tres Arroyos, provided an explanatory talk and images in the first part, Professor George Lambert elaborated on the origins of the Universe , then focus on our Galaxy, the "Via Lactea " and our Solar System, showing the different characteristics and relative size of planets that componen.A Continued Professor Marta Garcia gave an overview of the sky, detailing and Different constellations zodiacales.A identifying an end both directed telescope observations, which put available to attendees could also enjoy Cantucci and vin santo, kindly served by the ladies who are members of the Commission of Culture.

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On Wednesday, November 4 at 20, Professor Liliana Annechini and Italian language students prepared an open class. In the first part, spoke about typical foods of each Italian region, with the help of a map drawn by hand and interacting with the public they contributed their comments. After tasting "vin santo nel inzuppati Cantucci " They read short stories written by students in a database sentences in the story "Le avventure di Pinocchio " De Carlo Collodi .



Wednesday 18 to 20 meeting was held in the Film and its Author. Rocco Oppedisano, co-producer and author, presented "Complici del Silenzio", a coproduction between Italy and Argentina-English, not yet released. Directed by Stefano Incerti, with Alessio Boni, Jorge Marrale, Florencia Raggi, Juan Leyrado, Tomás Fonzi and great cast. A historical segment Argentina in the '70s, seen during the '78 World journalist, Italian. Rocco Oppedisano visited the institution through the management of the Consul General of Italy in Bahia Blanca, Dr. Pierluigi Ferraro. The meeting took place at the headquarters of Moreno Avenue 137, with free admission and open to the public.

Interviews and comments: Login
"Accomplices of Silence" is the first film of the agreement emerged that the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA) and the Direzione Nazionale per le Cinematography Italy. Recognized as a film of cultural interest by the MiBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali). Login

Coral and Dance Meeting

On Saturday, 28 to 21 hours, members of the Italian Society Choral Meeting and made a spectacle of dance that developed in the upstairs hall headquarters located at Av. Moreno 137. Institution in the same presents the various groups they belong to: Coral Reef and Convenor Senza Tempo Stiglich led by Veronica , Coraggio Group of Italian dances led by Patricia R. Escudero and tango partners led by Walter Salvatierra. Also participating guest choirs in the region: Coral Rinascere of the Italian Association of Coronel Dorrego directed by Rodrigo Lump and the three consortia led by Juan Marcos Rodriguez : Polyphonic Choir and Chorus and Chorus AGChaves Reborn Mai-Mai De La Garma. Attendees enjoyed the musical event and then shared a "spuncetto" casual dining.

Dinner theme: Vita Smeralda

initiative of the members of Culture Group of the Italian Society took place on Saturday December 5 dinner theme entitled "Vita Smeralda" referenced to the lifestyle in Costa Smeralda , Northeast Sardegna. That coastal strip of white sand beaches and crystalline waters, is a luxury destination frequented by VIP visitors. From The organizers suggested and invited to participate in the game of being a celebrity and wear it suggested a garment or accessory emerald. It was a celebration of glam, glitter, music and fun, where you could enjoy a varied menu of appetizers consisting primarily of Ocean and Earth, accompaniment bondiola, bicolor nougat ice cream, toast and masses for the final party.

and Liliana Rojas Rosana Annechini , with Olga Noblia
host of "Cooking with Olga "
providing details of the Theme Dinner "Vita Smeralda"
Detail Ornamentation of the officers

access images of Costa Smeralda COSTA ESMERALDA

We can not overemphasize the action Nicolas A. Ciancaglini (Nito ) In arab dance show " The Two Faces of Love" of Yanina Yitani , held at the Auditorio Padre Manyanet.Nito, besides being Secretary, is farmer and member of the corps Sociedad.Su dances action, reflects good relations between communities.

"Secretos de Arrabal" Teatro Municipal


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