Sunday, November 1, 2009

Missed Dental Appointment Letter


According to Roman tradition, the mythical origin of the old system to divide the time was because the first king, Romulus (Romvlvs).
This first attempt to quantify and control the day was divided into ten months, lunar-based computing, totaling 304 days. This fact, over time that this measure was in effect, resulted in the seasons began to fall on different dates at which they were entitled.
The name of the months, in order, was:
Martivs : in honor of Mars , father of the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus (Romvlvs et Remvs), and to which he devoted the first month year. Aprilis
: possibly dedicated to Venus , endorsed or recommended in Etruscan.
Maivs : ownership discussed, as some say he was dedicated to the mother of Mercury (Mercvrivs), the goddess Maya (Maia), which was responsible for the development of plants, while others are awarded to worship the ancestors, Maiores .
Ivnivs : dedicated to Juno (Ivno ). There is also another possible commitment to the descendants, the Ivniores.
Qvintilis . named as the fifth month (five-year five). On the death of Julius Caesar renamed in his honor Iulius, being the month of birth
Sextilis . Sixth month (sex-six). Subsequently devoted himself to Octavio Augusto and was named Augustus
September. Seventh month (septem, seven)
October. Eighth month (octo-eight)
November. ninth month (Novem-nine)
December. tenth month (decem-ten)
The following operation to try to align the calendar with the passing of the seasons was made by King Numa Pompilius (Nvma Pompilivs ) by adding, following the existing ten, two months new:
Ianvarivs : in honor of Janus (Ianvs).
Febrvarivs : dedicated to Februa (Febrvvs ), god of the ceremonies of purification were carried out this month, to atone for sins and faults committed during the year ended, and to start again with good omens.
months duration was different, being Febrvarivs the shortest, with 28 days. Ianvarivs, Aprilis, Ivnivs, Sextilis, September, November and December had 29 days, while Martivs, Maivs, Qvintilis and October were 31, totaling 355 days.
As after Numa reform things were not fixed, since the official lunar calendar was out of step with the seasonal course, based on the solar cycle, we decided to add two months every four years, a 22 and another 23 days, called Mercedonios or Intercalary (Mercedonivs, intercalaris).
This situation remained in effect until 153 BC ., When the province of Hispania two consecutive wars broke out, having to advance the election of the consuls, who were eponyms, ie, gave its name to the year March 15 to January 1, and thereafter, the calendar and the year, beginning on that date. This change did not affect the name of the months, leading to a mismatch between the name they had and their new status in the order of the year.
After inclusion of new months lag problem continued to spiral until 46 BC Julius Caesar (Caesar Ivlivs Caivs) finally decided to reform the calendar, and it did come to Rome from Alexandria, the wise Sosigenes , astronomer the Library, who was in charge of collecting witness Caesar launched by adapting the Roman calendar to the solar course, based on the metric of time in Egypt was carried using centuries. Juliana
With the calendar reform was composed of 365 cumulative days and 6 hours, which were distributed by months as follows: Febrvarivs , 28 days; Aprilis, Ivnivs, Sextilis, October and 30 th December days Ianvarivs, Martivs, Maivs, Qvintilis, September and November to 31 days. The six remaining hours
met every four years is a new day that was added to Febrvarivs, not end like this, but that was repeated on 24, which in Latin was called before Kalends Martias diem sextum passing ¸ to call the day before diem bis is interacalaba sextum Kalendas Martias , and this took the name of leap years.

When Caesar died in 44 BC . between the honors to be granted to proposal Marco Antonio (Marcvs Antonivs) was the changing the name of Month birth Qvintilis laying him, going to Ivlivs called since.

This same incident occurred after the death of Augusto (Caivs Ivlivs Octavianvs Caesar) in 8 BC, and as flattering Tiberius (Tiberivs Clavdivs Nero), the Senate ordered the name change / month Sextilis of by Avgvstvs that although the month was not the birthplace of the first emperor, it was that got its greatest military victories. To continue with flattery, and for not less than the month dedicated to Julius Caesar in the same decree was decided that the duration of the month was also similar to the previous month, ie 31 days, and to avoid to have three consecutive months with the same amount of days, was varied in the following months, being as we know them today: Febrvarivs 28 days; Aprilis, Ivnivs, September and November, 30 days and Ianvarivs , Martivs, Maivs, Ivlivs, Avgvstvs, October and december, 31 days.
This calendar was slightly revised by Pope Gregory XIII , and is the one used in Currently in the Western world.


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