Cruz Manzano Assumption ( 1909 - 2001 †), a woman of humble devotion to the Blessed Mother of Remedies, popularly known in the home town of Estepa as "the girl Marmet." Your so lucky 92 years of life were marked by the faith he preached openly to the image of the Virgen de los Remedios.
Sunday and Monday octave was made popular praise your prayer "Blessed Virgin of the Remedies!" to which many yearn since it was between us. As many disciples that voice that tries to mimic framing churretera humble and holy figure of Our Lady of Remedies, none feel like that woman.
The popular name or nickname of "The Marmet" I came inherited from an aunt of his mother, who was known as Dolores "La Marmet" Dolores breeding for avatars loa Life Mother of Asuncion and she began to know the same way with the nickname "The Girl with the Marmet"
To learn how to go as deep devotion to Mrs. Asuncion Manzano, we have to go back to the times of their parents. Mr. D. Joaquín Manzano and his wife Mrs. Natividad Cruz, both parents on "The Girl of the Marmet" were "Santeria" or "sexton" of the church of Los Remedios, which made Mrs. Manzano Asunción be brought up under the blankets and Virgin Churretera custody. The Manzano family's faith is severely shaken Joachim's death, the father of Asuncion, the death if given out to avoid that Our Blessed Mother of Remedies fall to the ground in the solemn procession of the Virgin devotional dare an accident occurred, such was the desperation that caused him to see that Our Lady was going to fall I try to save face, costing him eternal rest. Far away from the altercation were to remove the devotion of Mrs. Churretera Assumption of the Virgin, this unfortunate incident serves to increase even more devotion to this virgin Estepa.
Assumption Manzano will make history of our people for this great love I had to the Virgen de los Remedios, shouting his unique "Blessed Virgin of the Remedies! My Blessed Mother! " in the ninth, processional and" went up on Monday of. " Many still remember the old woman who was waiting for the Virgin in the first house on Rust Street, and to see the lady got excited and shouted their "Blessed!", Touching the rest of the people gathered there to accompany The Lady in the streets.
the "girl the Marmet "in one of the visits of Mr. Bueno Monreal Cardinal criticizes him his greatest love is the Holy One, she honestly replied" When I look at the Blessed Sacrament, says to me that I want the same thing I want, with the Love of a Son to his mother. " No doubtful situation, which otherwise he could point out to Mrs. Manzano is the repeated assertion many visitors "is a feeling that comes from deep within and can not be repeated like a play. This Blessed Virgin of the Remedies!, Blessed Virgin of the Remedies!, Is an explosion of warmth and love of Remedios, who has delved on all Estepa "
Assumption Manzano was rewarded this immeasurable love for Our Lady of Remedies at the end of his days. Assumption had always wanted, and so he prayed to her, which arrived on time, could die as close as possible to their Virgen de los Remedios. Chance or miracle, Asunción ill in 2001 after making the eighth of the Remedies, the last day of the novena to St. Rita (May 30), which also celebrated in this temple. Began to feel unwell, then, in the presence of the Virgin, and once was deceased, his chapel was installed in the church whose walls "The Marmet "prayed for many hours throughout his life.
His funeral, crowded, confirmed that he was loved and known by all people. His family received many expressions of love for neighbors, clergy, guilds and around the town of Estepa in general during the wake and burial
Serve these lines a tribute insoluble woman who lives and dies by the Virgen de los Remedios, leaving a posthumous legacy devotional faith of the Virgin Mary and in memory of all Estepa.
About the year 1955, Francisco de Paula Juárez Frutos write a nice ballad dedicated to the Barrio "Churretero" and his mother and patroness of Remedios, in the says:
dressing room, procession and upload
of the Blessed Virgin
of the Blessed Virgin
final reflection
the visit to the chapel,
we left speechless
and we absorption occurs
delight, awe, reverence,
wobble makes
listing values \u200b\u200b
stayed this museum,
is brave as any
describing this wonder
Beginning by the trace
pavement grinding,
rich in quality, and cut
of their geometric assemblages,
to the high dome
of wonderful paintings,
with Fathers of the Church
and Authors of the Gospel,
buckled in a rosette
of capricious effects
everything is in prodigious
beautiful, artistic, merit.
Corners and torus
the concave and converts
conjunction colorful
the clean burnishing
its imponderable socket,
tested in involved here
exquisite artisans
of this line of beds.
not conceived in its analysis,
as could do this.
Monta another second socket
on the stripes first,
gold, wood and plaster.
As Marian alcove
feels no desire
than glory to his Virgin
of ochavas center
has five herring
bursting into valuable,
passages representing
of the Joyful Mysteries:
Assumption of Mary,
Visitation, Nativity,
Presentation and Loss
Of Child Jesus in the temple.
Above and decorating
the octagonal intervals,
clam in niches,
primorísimas, we
of archangels and saints
sculptural models.
And between these and the cornices
-gold in reflection, "
higher, sing reliefs
glories of the Mysteries.
where the Virgin's throne
rests his divine body,
Lady in her dressing room
spoiled of "live" and prayers,
is a Baroque piece
that angels brought.
Staying at the corners
pledged and satisfied.
And vain to communicate
the temple area,
a great arc of delicious
jasper into small pieces,
companions cross
did that on the pulpit.
This treasure dreamed
say, neither more nor less:
that Our remediaora
best bed enjoyed royal
only sitting
beside her Son in Heaven.
the procession is coming
down the street Castillejos,
with colorful flares,
band, Clergy,
Cross Parish Guild.
(Continued romance and section)
Count churreteros more veterans known prior to the release of the calf, now defunct (See The Eighth Special de los Remedios) in Roya streets of this unique neighborhood Estepa, followers of the world of bullfighting in Estepa, looked at a place as any laptop or installed in the square known llanete or esplanade Posilla (Besides the Civil Guard barracks)
The march was composed by musician, composer and Estepa D. Juan Antonio Carmona Paez, in 2009, debuting in the procession of the Virgen de los Remedios 2010.
The main reason for which the author himself acknowledges it is motivated mainly by the devotion of the mother of this by this holy image of the neighborhood churretero of this superb city of Estepa.
Although the author also adds that as a second object of this composition can be added the emergence of an own musical identity to the Virgin and / or this title Estepa, since until now he was imposing the march titled "Our Lady of Flowers" consists of D. Abel Moreno for Encinasola patron, though I have been using for many other Marian images.
The march was finally introduced a trio jar, to which the letter gives a march from the pen of D. Teodoro Torres Joaquín Carmona, who writes for the occasion.
The song says oral or jar reads:
Remedial holy
Queen of churreteros,
That in your arms what wear,
At the same god of the world.
Mother of churreteros,
Remedies of our souls,
Estepa Village Flower,
Lady and Lady of the neighborhood again.
Eighth Olvera Resurrection Sunday.
Originated in 1715, the year in which the town of Olvera suffered a terrible drought that produced deadly consequences on agriculture and livestock in the area, the people Olvereño asks his patron saint, the Virgen de los Remedios, who preceded by and send them rain. The council decided to go to the Virgin, at the request of the people, and taken from its sanctuary to the people to beg and spend a holiday. The people gathered and participated in various religious ceremonies and other celebrations held for the occasion. The image of Los Remedios remained guarded and revered in the village, on his return to the sanctuary, coinciding with the Octave of Easter Sunday, April 15 this year 1715, it rains heavily on Olvera fields, producing a miracle.
From this fruitful year of 1715, olvereños held in appreciation of the pilgrimage in honor of the Virgen de los Remedios, patron of the town of Cadiz, established the second Monday after Resurrection Sunday, the eighth day of Easter Sunday.
Within Day pilgrimage, religious and recreational can highlight the culinary traditions of hornazo and so-called "cakes on Monday, both the party sweets.
The image of Our Lady of Remedies Olvera, is dated to the s. XVI, author unknown, which presents a sorry state of conservation in most of his head because of the attacks produced by termites, despite that in the last restoration was to replace much of the damage. Caused by the great devotion that he professes in Olvera and its borders and throughout the English territory, with pilgrimages from the provinces of Sevilla, Málaga, Cádiz, Córdoba, Almería, Huelva, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Basque Country, etc, in 1966 the Archbishop of Sevilla D. José María Bueno Morreale canonically crown.
A Brotherhood Olvereña de los Remedios is related to fraternities as Vera Cruz and Santos Caños several nearby villages.
Photos Videos
(Soon will be discussed more octaves remediaora in other cities)
- Journal of Estepa,
Fair 2010 - Journal of Estepa. Year II, No. 9 (May 1993)
- Estepa Devotions
- Ways of Passion
- Digital Voice
- Photos ArteSacro
- Photos J . Vazquez
- D. Juan Antonio Carmona Paez
LAST UPDATED: 12 - 2005 to 2011 TIME: 13:23
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