Falcondo Foundation Recognizes Work enforcement
In a ceremony held on Wednesday April 27, 2011 in Room Danilo Medina of the National Congress The Chamber of Representatives gave recognition to the Falcondo Foundation for "the ongoing work of this institution through social programs aimed at helping to solve many of the problems of the provinces Monsignor Nouel and La Vega."
Parchment Falcondo provided the Foundation emphasizes the importance of the work carried out by the Foundation for over 20 years, contributing effectively to the development of these provinces through a poverty eradication strategy that goes far beyond of welfarism and seeks social transformation in both provinces.
This recognition, the House of Representatives highlights the contributions of businesses, public and private institutions, which make an important contribution to the development of the country leaving a legacy to future generations achievements that transcend time and its impact on society.
Rep. José Antonio Fabián submitted to the Chamber of Deputies of the Dominican Republic earlier this year the draft resolution for recognition of the work of the Foundation and the March 21, 2011, the Chamber welcomed the resolution.
activity during the delivery of this important award, Mr. Abel Martínez Durán, President of the Chamber of Deputies, said Making investments in strategic areas Falcondo Foundation for the development of the country such as education, natural resources and health. In addition, valued and appreciated the commitment undertaken by the Foundation since its inception with education as the only way to socio-economic growth in the region and called for reflection so that other institutions also commit themselves to improve educational standards in country.
For his part, Mr. Antonio García, representative of the Board of Directors of the Foundation and CEO of the company, thanked the Chamber of Deputies on behalf of the Board of the Foundation Falcondo and reiterated that this recognition further compromises the Foundation to continue supporting the communities and contributing to the development of the Dominican Republic.
In this activity, representatives of the Board of Directors of the Foundation, the governor of the province of Monsignor Nouel and members of the Chamber of Deputies in both provinces.
From left to right: Jim Corrigan, Enrique Lithgow, Eduardo Fernández P., Arelis M. Rodriguez, Joseph Anthony Garcia, Rafael E. Cáceres, representatives of the Board of Directors of the Foundation Falcondo.
De iquierda to right, Rep. Maria Mercedes Fernandez, Ignacio García Ovalle, provincial governor of Monsignor Nouel, Arelis M. Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Foundation Falcondo, Deputy Jose Antonio Fabián Bertran.
De iquierda to right, Ignacio García Ovalle, provincial governor of Monsignor Nouel, MP Maria Mercedes Fernandez, Anthony Joseph Garcia, General Manager of Falcondo
Abel Martinez, President Chamber of Deputies of the Dominican Republic, Deputy Jose Antonio Fabián Bertram Evangelina Sosa MP, Deputy Hugo Nunez, Kenya MP Mejia, secretary of the Board Buffet, MP René Polanco Executive Secretary Buffet.
From left to right: Anthony Joseph Garcia, General Manager of Falcondo and Representative of the Board of Directors of the Foundation Falcondo, Abel Martinez, President of the Chamber of Deputies.
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