Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How Much Is It To Design A Baby

inaugurated "Digital Lounge" and "Bakery school"

Orange Foundation inaugurated a Digital Lounge and a bakery school in "Home for Girls Our Lady of Altagracia" with co-philanthropic organization "Here for them" Charlie group Palmer. This as part of the projects that the Orange Foundation has been developing since last 2010 with this home. The event was headed by Mr. Jean Marc Harion, president of the Orange Foundation and Ms. Luz Maria Marte, Director General of Home, which belongs to the Girls and Boys Network Don Bosco, led by Father Juan Linares. Both accompanied by executives of both institutions, highlighting the presence of Mr Andrew Ferreiras, Executive Director of the Orange Foundation.

The digital living network of ten stations, overhead projector and heated, allowing the girls started and perfected in the information technology infrastructure and will serve to impart training to other media. With this room and twelve joined the Orange Foundation donated by different institutions including orphanages, schools and organizations for the visually impaired throughout the country.

The bakery project is financed with philanthropic organization "Here for them", a chain of restaurants and hotels it operates in the United States. Among the objectives of the bakery is serving as a school for making bread and pastry items, some of which will be sold at prices affordable to the residents of homes located in the heart of Villa Consuelo. The production activity will allow the institution to self-finance resources poach its operation.

Mr. Harion said: "For the Orange Foundation is thrilled to be part of this community project will be an example for other groups and institutions, not only because they provide resources through self-management in this case is the sale of bread but also stimulate knowledge and educational practices that benefit the Girls Home of Our Lady of Altagracia. " Meanwhile

Ms. Mars highlighted: the commitment of the organization "Here for Them" in offering alternatives to the hostel to help improve the quality of life through productive work, in turn making them multiplying entities to society Dominican.

Girls Home of Our Lady of Altagracia was founded in 1963, and incorporated as an NGO in 2003. There are currently 53 domestic girls from marginalized neighborhoods National District and provinces. Home receive housing, food, education, skills development and skills, religious education and social assistance.

Orange Foundation and the organization "Here for Them" a dream come true for girls missed Home and the authorities who run it, and in turn provide a comprehensive education and self-sustaining from an institution recognized for its performance in marginal benefit of our children and our society.

About Orange Orange Dominicana is the key brand of France Telecom Group, one of the leading telecom operators worldwide. With nearly 131 million customers, the Orange brand covers internet, television and mobile services in most countries where the Group operates. In late 2009, France Telecom had a turnover of € 44,800,000,000 (22.1 billion euros for first half 2010). At June 30, 2010, the Group had a total customer base of 182 million in 32 countries. These include 123.1 million mobile customers and 13.2 million broadband internet (ADSL) worldwide. Orange is the third mobile operator and the third largest supplier of Internet services and broadband in Europe under the brand name Orange Business Services is one of world leaders in providing telecommunication services to multinational companies.

With its industrial project, "conquests 2015" Orange deals simultaneously with its employees, customers and shareholders as well as the society in which the company operates through a specific set of action plans. These commitments are expressed through a new vision of human resources for employees through the deployment of network infrastructure on which the Group will build its future growth through the group's ambition to deliver a superior experience customer, thanks to a better quality of service, and through the acceleration of development international. France Telecom (NYSE: FTE) is listed on Euronext Paris (compartment A) and the New York Stock Exchange.

For more information (online and on your mobile):,,, names Orange and any other Orange product or service Included in this material are trademarks of Orange Personal Communications Services Limited, Orange France or France Telecom.


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